Fabio Nucatolo was born in Palermo, and took his Bachelors degree in Industrial Design at Palermo University. In Palermo he did a 3-month internship at yacht designers Acom and freelanced as furniture designer for Mediterranean Engineering. In 2010 he and Simona La Torre won the ComON national design competition, following which they were invited for a month as guest designers of furniture manufacturers Lema (Brianza, between Milan and Como). In 2010 he also started his first year of the Masters in Product Design at the Faculty of Design and Arts, Iuav University of Venice. His projects have been exhibited in Rome, Milan, Verona, and published in the journals Interni, Interni On Board and Ottagono. His thesis master degree investigates the possible development of special purpose devices for kitchen.
Cooking Naturally
Cooking Naturally aims to change people’s use of food resources, reducing waste by creating a direct channel between people and the information cloud surrounding the theme. All, a kitchen device that allows a better exploitation of this information, is both a display appliance and a filter which adapts its behaviour according to the user’s habits.
It is designed for people living in shared accommodation or alone. Due to their living conditions and lifestyles, and to how food is currently distributed and sold, these are the categories most exposed to food waste. Through All, such people can receive advice on grocery shopping and food conservation, preparation and consumption. As it is used, All learns to recognize its users, improving the advice depending on each individual’s behaviour.
All is used in the kitchen during food preparation and consumption. It can recognize the person using it and understand words and gestures. All integrates itself in the habitual dynamics of this environment. Making people concentrate on normal tasks, like preparing a recipe or conserving food, it becomes a tool that improves the experience of responsible cooking, not the focus of the experience.
http://vimeo.com/61493656Nasce a Palermo, dove consegue la laurea triennale in disegno industriale. A Palermo affronta un tirocinio di 3 mesi presso la Acom e lavora da freelance per Mediterranean Engineering.
Nel 2010 vince il concorso ComOn design contest insieme a Simona La Torre, a seguito del quale viene invitato come designer per l’azienda Lema. Al termine di questa esperienza inizia la specialistica in product design allo Iuav di Venezia. I suoi progetti sono stati esposti a Roma, Milano, e Verona, e pubblicati su Interni, Interni On Board e Ottagono. Nel 2013 si laurea con una tesi che indaga il possibile sviluppo di dispositivi special purpose da utilizzare in cucina.
Cooking Naturally
Cooking Naturally è un progetto che mira a cambiare il comportamento delle persone nei confronti dell’utilizzo delle risorse alimentari diminuendone lo spreco, creando un canale diretto tra le persone e la nuvola d’informazione presente attorno al tema.
È progettato per le persone che vivono in situazioni di affitto condiviso o da sole. Queste, a causa delle proprie condizioni abitative e dell’attuale sistema di distribuzione e vendita dei prodotti alimentari, sono le categorie maggiormente esposte allo spreco alimentare.
All è progettato per fare in modo che le persone si focalizzino sui normali compiti, come la preparazione di una ricetta o la conservazione degli alimenti, diventando strumento che aiuta a migliorare l’esperienza di una cucina responsabile e non oggetto protagonista dell’esperienza.