The Mediterranean of Women. Evolutions and new Opportunities for Design in the Network Society

Abstract This article examines and documents the emergent phenomena, wich in the countries of southern Mediterranean coast manifest a grater awareness by women of their role in society. Those phenomena can be considered as the effects of convergent actions like investment plicies in education programa, promotion of artistic practices and the widespread use of social… Continua a leggere The Mediterranean of Women. Evolutions and new Opportunities for Design in the Network Society

Design and Gender Studies

Speaking of women and design, it is important to recall the crucial role carried out by Gender Studies. Therefore, we asked a short interview to Cheryl Buckley, one of the main protagonists of design gender studies. Besides, Cheryl Buckley’s article “Made in Patriarchy: Toward a Feminist Analysis of Women and Design” extracted from Design Issues,… Continua a leggere Design and Gender Studies

Carwan Gallery

Founded in Beirut in 2010 by architects Wakim Pascale and Nicolas Bellavance-LeCompt, The Carwan Gallery was born as the first pop-up gallery of the Middle East, which sets up and organizes exhibitions in the most representative design places on collections made in limited editions. On the occasion of the ‘Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2012’, in… Continua a leggere Carwan Gallery

TLV Express: a propulsive force typically Israeli

The group of Tel Aviv TLV Express stands for a specificity Israeli tracking their roots in a cultural and economic landscape closely associated with handicraft productions but lacking of a significant sector of export of industry. However, the university education system is focusing on laboratory activities so the fervent group self-produced handmade objects based on… Continua a leggere TLV Express: a propulsive force typically Israeli

A soap story

The background of the Story The soap story, Köpüköpük (Bubble Bubble), is the practical research of a master thesis. It is a thesis which is rooted from discourses such as ‘sustainable localization’, ‘slow living’, ‘management of community power’ etc. It is a thesis that aims to support the idea that women are a major group… Continua a leggere A soap story

Communication design for gender cultures

The portrayal of women in the media mirrors an image which in the last few years especially has been the object of study, reflection, analysis as well as the centre of attention for the media themselves. This attention has decisively turned the spotlight back on the dignity of women and its defense, addressing the issue… Continua a leggere Communication design for gender cultures

The Arabic Alphabet in the Words of Women

When spoken discourse becomes text, words somehow become an object, with their won tridimensionality, unfolding over three axes: the linguistic, the iconic and the symbolic one. Speaking about the work for the Olivetti logotype, designed by Walter Ballmer, recently passed away, Franco Lattes Fortini adds: “not simply a word any longer, but a word object,… Continua a leggere The Arabic Alphabet in the Words of Women

Mallorcan Design and flowering almond trees

Ametlla + va nàixer el 2010 a Palma de Mallorca com una empresa amb la intenció de crear i dissenyar productes derivats de l’ametlla de Mallorca. Si més no, han de ser el resultat d’un estudi exhaustiu per aconseguir l’equilibri entre el bon menjar i la bona nutrició. Aquesta és la filosofia de la nova… Continua a leggere Mallorcan Design and flowering almond trees

(Women's) Design Will Save the (Arab) World

From little puddings to the cardiac defibrillator. Women artisans/designers and entrepreneurs in the Arab world: this could be the title for a conference on the theme of female creativity in northern African countries. The point of reference, here, being the beautiful exhibition organized by Anty Pansera and Tiziana Occleppo, entitled: From laces to motorbikes. Women… Continua a leggere (Women's) Design Will Save the (Arab) World