PAD. Pages on Arts and Design is an international, peer-reviewed (double-blind), open-access, online journal published twice a year (from 2018). PAD publishes original and qualified papers about all areas of design and arts research, including theories and history of design, design practices evolution, arts and design education, industrial design, visual communication design, visual and performing arts, interface design, interior, architectural and urban design, and other design and arts-related fields. PAD combines the stringent scholarly standards of traditional journals with the easy accessibility afforded by digitalization. Articles reach their desired audiences more quickly and reliably than their print media peers.
PAD is the evolution of the online magazine PalermoDesign founded by Vanni Pasca in 2005 with a team of design researchers. From 2005 until 2011, PAD overviewed the opening of new geographies of design with a specific focus on the Mediterranean area. In 2010, the ADI Index selection included PAD for its excellence in design research. In 2011 PAD changed and expands its international organization becoming the node of a network of researchers and scholars engaged in design hot topics and its dissemination in the field of design culture, arts, and more. In 2012, PAD actives a double-blind peer-review process and in 2014 is approved as a scientific journal by ANVUR, the Italian Agency of the University System and Research Assessment. In 2017, the ADI Index selection included PAD #13 in the categories ‘Editorial Production and Historical and critical researches’ for its excellence in design research.
Multilingual at the beginning, PAD journal is actually published in English to reach the worldwide network of readers and extend local design cultures. The publication of each issue will coincide with the publication of the call for papers for the following monographic issue on the Call page. The journal is identified by the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1972-7887. Each author retains the copyright of his work. PAD Articles Processing and Articles Submission are free of charge.
PAD is indexed in ROAD, OAJI, DOAJ, ErihPlus, Google Scholar, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), Fatcat!.
PAD publish research findings from researchers and professionals across different countries and cultures of the Mediterranean areas and encourages research on the impact of cultural factors on design theory and practice. PAD network aims to provide an international and interactive forum for the exchange of ideas, debate and criticism. It also seeks to encourage research and scholarly writing about any aspect of design education. Critical, review and comparative studies are particularly prominent, as are contributions that draw upon other literature, such as those derived from historical, philosophical, sociological or psychological studies of technology or design, in order to address issues of concern to technology. PAD aims to promote the transfer of knowledge between professionals in academia and industry by emphasizing research in which results are of interest or applicable to design practices.
Keeping the focus on the Mediterranean reality, today PAD involves researchers and design experts located in different geographical areas to solicit debate on-demand hot topics, in addition to monitoring initiatives, activities, events and projects in contemporary topics and emerging areas of design education. The support of its International Scientific Committee encourages theoretical reflections on the themes of arts and design, expanding their field of action with other disciplines, their ability to understand cultural, technological, economic and social changes in the making.
Online Scientific Journal founded by Vanni Pasca in 2005
ISSN 1972-7887
Marinella Ferrara
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Advisory Board
Tevfik Balcıoğlu
Arkin University, Kyrenia – Turkey
Murat Bengisu
Izmir University of Economics – Turkey
Isabel Campi
Design Historian Foundation – Spain
Eduardo Corte Real
Universidade Europeia / IADE – Portugal
Antonio da Cruz Rodrigues
Universidad Lusofona – Portugal
Soumiya Mikou
Moroccan Design Association – Morocco
Ely Rozenberg
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts – Italy
Mireia Frexia Serra
Universidad de Barcelona – Spain
Andreas Sicklinger
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna – Italy
Fedja Vukić
University of Zagreb – Croatia
Managing Editor
Chiara Lecce
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Editorial Assistant
Giorgia Bonaventura
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Laura Carugati
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Editorial Board
Giuseppe Amoruso
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Helena Barbosa
Universidade de Aveiro – Portugal
Michela Bassanelli
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Letizia Bollini
Libera Università di Bolzano – Italy
Stefania Camplone
Università degli Studi di Chieti – Pescara – Italy
Roberto De Paolis
REPRISE – MUR independent scientific expert – Italy
Cinzia Ferrara
Università degli Studi di Palermo – Italy
Francesco E. Guida
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Ashley Hall
Royal College of Art – London – UK
Elif Kocabiyik
Izmir University of Economics – Turkey
Lia Krucken
Creative Change – Brazil and Germany
Carla Langella
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Italy
Chiara Lecce
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Giuseppe Lotti
Università degli Studi di Firenze – Italy
Tomas Macsotay
Pompeu Fabra University – Spain
Alfonso Morone
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Italy
Raquel Pelta
Universidad de Barcelona – Spain
Daniele Savasta
Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
Rosanna Veneziano
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli – Italy
Li Zhang
Beijing Information Science and Technology University – China
Publishing Consultant, Vincenzo Castellana, Architect – Italy
Art Director
Francesco E. Guida
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Web Site
Pietro Forino
Politecnico di Milano – Italy
Amina Agueznay
Hèla Hamrouni
Vesna Kujovic
Can Özcan
Ana Perkovic
Filip Roca
Azadeh Sabouri
Marco Sousa Santos
Pascale Wakim
via Francesco Soave 15, 20135 Milano – Italy
via Roma 171, 90133 Palermo – Italy
PAD © ISSN 1972-7887
Aiap Edizioni
via A. Ponchielli, 3
20129 Milano
Publisher until 2017
LetteraVentidue Edizioni S.r.l.